Girls Vs. Guys Games Night
Girls Vs. Guys Games Night
De EUR 5,00
** WHAT?
The first Girls vs. Guys Games Night
Play games, practise English and win prizes!
** HOW?
There are 30 players (15 girls + 15 guys) and 5 tables. At each table, it's 3 girls vs. 3 guys.
The girls' team plays against the guys' team in party games, board games and word games. Each game lasts 15 minutes, then the guys' team stands up and moves to the next table.
After all teams have played against each other, the team with the most points wins! Prizes include free food and drinks, and free tickets for future events.
No friends? No problem.
Come alone. You can join a team and make new friends.
** WHO?
This event is for everyone. We'll run the event in English and Spanish -- what a great chance to practise!
** WHEN?
September 10th 2020, 20:30 to 22:00.
Liverpool Pub in Russafa, Valencia. Please see map for details.
5 EUR per person.
Buy a ticket using Billetto's secure ticketing service:
Visit for full event info.
There are 15 spaces for girls and 15 spaces for guys.
Your space is reserved when you buy a ticket (using Card or PayPal).
First come, first served!
** We'll connect you after the event:
Make new friends during the event and we'll connect you afterwards:
1. Every player has a Score Card with the other players' names on.
2. Tick 'Connect Me' next a person's name if you'd like us to connect you after the event.
3. If they choose to connect with you too, we'll send you their contact details by email.
** What makes it special?
-- Simple, secure and stress-free | No need to ask for phone numbers: we'll connect you after the event.
-- Have 3x as much fun | Meet three times as many people as you could at a regular networking event!
-- Safety first, safety last | We follow the Government's COVID safety measures to minimize risk.
-- After Party Included: | After Party from 22:00 with karaoke and games.
** Ticket prices
- 1 ticket: €5 / ticket
Buy a ticket using Billetto's secure ticketing service:
Visit for full event info.
There are 15 spaces for girls and 15 spaces for guys.
Your space is reserved when you buy a ticket (using Card or PayPal). First come, first served!
** Refund policy **
- 72 hours before event: Full refund.
- Up to 24 hours before event: Full refund if your ticket can be resold.
- Within 24 hours of event: No refund.
- We offer a full refund if the event is cancelled in advance.
** Why should I join Games Night? **
- You'll make new friends of both sexes and you'll have a lot of fun.
- It's a great way to practice English
- You don't need to ask anyone for their phone number -- use our simple, safe and stress-free 'Connect Me' system.
** Contact us **
You can find out more at and you can contact us in the comments or via Meetup message.
Please leave a comment below if you'd like more information.
Hope to see you there!
Liverpool - Russafa, 74 Carrer de Sueca, 46006 València
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Quiero cancelar mi entrada y recibir un reembolso. ¿Qué tengo que hacer?
Los reembolsos quedan totalmente a discreción del organizador del evento, y debes ponerte en contacto con este para saber las opciones disponibles. Para ponerte en contacto con el organizador del evento, simplemente responde al correo electrónico de confirmación de tu pedido o usa el formulario "Contactar al organizador" en el perfil del organizador. Si necesitas más ayuda con esto, consulta este artículo.
Me he apuntado en la lista de espera, ¿qué pasa ahora?
Si se ponen más entradas a la venta, se te notificará (por correo electrónico) a ti y a otros que se han apuntado en la lista. Las entradas se compran por orden de llegada. Para obtener más información, consulta este artículo.
¿Dónde puedo encontrar un enlace a un evento en línea?
Consulta la página de confirmación de tu pedido o el correo electrónico de confirmación del pedido. Normalmente, el organizador del evento proporciona los detalles en el correo electrónico de confirmación del pedido o puede enviarte un correo electrónico de seguimiento con un enlace al evento en línea. También puedes leer la descripción del evento en Billetto, donde el organizador del evento debe incluir instrucciones sobre cómo unirse al evento en línea. Para obtener más información sobre esto, consulta este artículo.
¿Qué es la garantía de reembolso y por qué la necesitaría?
La garantía de reembolso te da la seguridad de que, si por circunstancias imprevistas e inevitables no puedes asistir a un evento, podrás pedir un reembolso. Para obtener más información sobre esto, consulta este artículo.
Girls Vs. Guys Games Night
De EUR 5,00