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Flowers District - Floral Workshop

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Flowers District - Floral Workshop

Von 60,00 EUR



26. Juli 2018, 19:15 Uhr - 22:15


There is something just wonderful about working with our hands, isn't it? Floristry has a calming, curative effect. It is flower therapy. Our workshops are designed to inspire. You’ll leave full of confidence and with an urge to create. For sisters, mothers, best friends or teams, for flower lovers or travellers flying solo. Beginners or seasoned florists are welcomed too! The workshop experience is relaxed, fun and filled with gorgeous flowers and great long lasting memories!


Join us for a whole range of different workshops at our studio in Valencia. You can learn how to arrange the flowers we have specially picked for the workshops. Or create the essential bridal flower bouquets and accessories that you will need for any wedding on our DIY Bridal class. Workshops run for 2 hours (extra 30 min are required for getting to know each other, photos). Light refreshments and all the flowers and materials you will need are provided. We are passionate & committed about using European flowers.

We will be relaxing and refortifying ourselves in gorgeous city centre of Valencia, exact location TBA. Come find out why this is one of my favourite places on earth. Experience the stunning light of this city. This workshop is about taking your time to the next level by investing in yourself, finding strength in building relationships, and taking care of your creative self, all while surrounded by ruffly blooms and abundant, colourful flowers.

Hosting our discussions in a beautiful space, smiling often and assisted by fun-loving vibes, we will be pulling together gorgeous arrangements for a shoot… This is a place we go to grow, to flex our creative force, to give ourselves reprieve from the demands of our work, and build something beautiful for no other reason than it feels good. It feels so good… to reconnect, to breath, to take time to notice, to really look at things. I know I needed it, and I imagine many of people do too.

I strive to make the workshop retreat a place where we can all tap back into beauty for beauty’s sake and a place we look forward to returning to for inspiration and friendship. I hope that many of you will take this chance and join us!

2 Full hours will be spent introducing and discussing about flowers basics and jumping on a creative exercise (please see below themes we prepared for each week)

  • inspiration: where to find it, how develop your process, refine your vision;
  • materials – a look at building your palette and creating a cohesive foundation of tactile items
  • sourcing product
  • getting messy: how to build themed gorgeous bouquets or arrangements using forms, shapes, textures
  • one on ones reviews of bouquets/ flower arrangements for all attendants.

Last 1⁄2 hour

  • head shots of attendees by our photographer
  • option to relax and have a glass of prosecco and local cheese
  • wrap up.
All materials and flowers will be provided by Flowers District. Maximum enrolment/ workshop: 10-14 people. Small snack will be provided, as well as a glass of prosecco or a bottle of water.SEE YOU IN CLASS!

See you there!

Cristina, WhatsApp: (0034) 643 650 516



There is something just wonderful about working with our hands, isn't it? Floristry has a calming, curative effect. It is flower therapy. Our workshops are designed to inspire.


Valencia Valencia, Valencia, Valencia


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