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La Tomatina

Afholdt event

La Tomatina

Fra EUR 120,00



28 aug 2017 kl. 08:00 - 11:00


Who wants to be an ingredient in the world’s largest spaghetti bolognese? Or perhaps you want to spread yourself around like on a bruschetta? In any case, book now to La Tomatina Festival 2017 because it’s going to get pulpy, saucy and it’s going to be an awesome day of tomato throwing! This is one of the ‘must do’ European festivals and definitely one of Stoke Travel’s faves. We dig it so much because when we ain’t hurling tomatoes at each other we’re chilling by the pool, sunning on the beach, dancing up a storm in Valencia city, or losing our minds in fun related incidents in Ibiza…

The Tomato Festival itself is one morning of madness; tens of thousands of people in a town of many less. Before the tomato fight even starts the locals have fun soaking all the festival goers with hoses, water bombs, water pistols and other water holding vessels. The streets are packed and they get even more so with the arrival of trucks carrying tomatoes- many, many tonnes of tomatoes.

Once we avoid getting squashed by the trucks the fight begins, and for the next little while we throw salad fruits to our hearts content at strangers, friends, locals and tourists alike. Once it’s all said and done, we get rinsed off by the locals (some even give us shampoo!) and head back to camp to smarten ourselves up ready to continue partying into the evening. at our official afterparty in Valencia!

We’re the only ones who will also arm you before battle, with Bloody Marys and piles of cooked spaghetti in your hand so you can put all that tomato slush to good use. And, of course, we provide you with a delicious bottle of sangria that will pair nicely with the carnage.

Includes transfers to and from the Tomato fight, camping accommodation in pre-erected twin share tents with mattress and sleeping bag provided, tasty breakfast each morning, Hearty dinner every second evening, Experienced guides to lead you through the mayhem, A Bloody Mary on the morning of La Tomatina Festival, Massive Stoke campsite party and Beach games. 2 nights minimum


Stoke Travel is Europe's biggest festival operator who offer the most affordable experience worth top value at festivals including Oktoberfest, Running of the Bulls, La Tomatina and so much more! Buy tickets below!


Stoke Travel La Tomatina Official Campsite, Camí Riu Turia 3, 46530 Valencia


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