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The Greatest Showman Dance Workshop - Dancing in Valencia

Evento annullato

The Greatest Showman Dance Workshop - Dancing in Valencia

Da EUR 35,00



Nov 02 2019 10:00 - 14:00


Dancing in Valencia presents "The Greatest Showman Dance Workshop" for children aged 5-13. This is a high energy, fun and creative dance class, which will be taught in English. The style of dance is Jazz Funk/Musical Theatre suitable for Beginner/intermediate level. 

The students will learn a full choreographed piece to one of the hits from the award winning show, The Greatest Showman. 
This will be a rare opportunity for expats to learn through their native language and an exciting chance for children of the world to practice their english in a fun and creative environment. Furthermore, the children will get to interact with each other and express themselves with the opportunity to put their own stamp on the routine by having their input towards the choreography.

At the end of the workshop, from 13.40, Alice would like to invite all parents/guardians to watch their children perform the routine(s), after which the children will be presented with certificates of participation.

If you have any questions or concerns please email Alice at - . 

About Alice ( Choreographer of this event ) - 

Alice is a professional dancer from the UK. She has 16 years of experiance and has appeared on various TV shows in England. Such as the X-factor on ITV, This Morning and The Paul of Grady Show on the BBC. Alice also took to the British TV screens as one of the top 10 dancers in the UK on a show called "So You Think You Can Dance". She has travelled the world as a performer and now wants to pass on her expertise to the next generation. 

This is an opportunity not to be missed, please keep in mind places are limited and Alice is working on a first come first serve basis. 


Alice Hollywood is a solo artist from the UK. With over 15 years of experience in theatre arts.

Luogo dell'evento

La Escuela de Ruzafa La Escuela de Ruzafa, Carrer de Dénia, 32, 46006 València


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